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we help

we help brain-injured people

our motivation
We are parents of brain-injured children.
Every year in Germany alone more than 40,000 children are born disabled.
Many of these disabilities are due to lack of oxygen during the birthing process. As a result, the brain cells responsible for the motor system die off. The central nervous system is damaged.
As a result of this brain injury, the ability to coordinate and consciously controlled movements is lost in whole or in part.
In everyday life this means above all spasticity (muscle high tension), hypotonia (muscle slackness), eating, chewing and speech disturbances, a life long.
Encourage - join in
for a self-determined life!
Encourage - join in
for a self-determined life!
our information
Conductive Education provides an optimal chance for maximum independence of aids and / or strangers (ortho function). The result is always dependent on the severity of the disability.
The ortho function is the basis for a self-determined, socially integrated life of the disabled.
Conductive Education follows the basic principle of giving only the help necessary for self-help, as much as necessary and as little as possible.
Conductive Education is a complex, multi-faceted, holistic support system originally developed by the Hungarian physician András Pető for children and adolescents with cerebral movement disorders and adults with Parkinson's Syndrome (Wikipedia).
our way
Affected persons should have the opportunity to get to know the Conductive Education and to receive qualified support.
Professionals and non-professionals should be able to correctly perceive, use and use the content of the Conductive Education.
Institutions should be able to offer the Conductive Education inclusive.
Sofar, we have come to the conclusion that Conductive Education has been classified as an effective and effective rehabilitation measure in a long-term scientific study, i.a. a significant improvement in hand function could be demonstrated.
As a result, the Federal Social Court decided in 2009 that Petö comes into consideration as a necessary benefit of social rehabilitation and can thus be taken over by the integration assistance.
Conductive Education is an element of the inclusion of disabled people.
It should of course be provided to those affected, without great bureaucracy and free of charge, and offered within reach.

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