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Informations and links
please click on the respective link
What is Conductive Promotion to Petö?
Please read the well-founded information on Conductive Promotion to Petö.
The Federal Social Court for cost bearing duty
In 2009, the Federal Social Court ruled that Petö's Conductive Sponsorship is an integration aid and that the costs can be borne as a social rehabilitation measure.
BSG judgment of 29.09.2009, file: B 8 SO 19/08 R - download as pdf-file - 240 KB
Federal Association 
Conductive Promotion to Petö e. V.
  • Information brochures Conductive promotion - Link to download the pdf files (at the bottom of the page)
  • List of institutions of Conductive Funding in Germany - download as pdf-file - 208 KB
Institute of Conductive Education
and Conductor Training College
Andras Petö

National and International Petö Institute
Budapest / Hungary in English
Contact Fax +36 1 372 73 53
Duration and Course Funding - Conductor Training
Germ cell of the conductive promotion
Raphaela Ross
Examined conductor in Münster
Cooperation with FortSchritt .. Münster
Advice, initial examination, conductive promotion
Sample applications for the cost assumption of KF
are provided by the Federal Association for people with multiple and multiple disabilities e.V.
  • for non-school children
       download pdf file - 152 KB
  • for pupils
       download pdf file - 154 KB
  • for adults
       download pdf file - 146 KB
current BVKM brochure 2017:
RAin Katja Kruse: these aids are there
Federal Association of Conductors operating in Germany
National Institute of Conductive Education
Birmingham / UK
in English
The Foundation for Conductive Education is a leading UK charity based at the National Institute of Conductive Education working to improve the lives of children and adults with neurological motor disorders through the training and practice of Conductive Education.
Conductive College Training and Development oportunities
Phoenix GmbH
Conductive funding center of the Pfennigparade Foundation

The Phoenix GmbH is the carrier of the curative day care center (HPT), which is also housed in the school building and which is visited by a part of the children instead of the integration hoard.
The focus of this day care center is the Conductive Education. The children with physical or multiple disabilities are particularly intensively supported by motor, curative education, individually promoted 
and also have the opportunity to take special rest periods if required.
Phoenix - The movie
BIG e.V. Hannover-Langenhagen
Federal interest community obstetrician
The BIG e.V. is a self-help group founded in 1988 by affected parents, who one day faced the life situation of having a disabled child due to faulty obstetrics and aftercare.

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