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since 1996
FortSchritt .. eV Münster

Association for the distribution of Conductive Education
registered charity association for distribution, recognition and establishment
of the Conductive Education of brain-injured people according
to the method of Prof. Dr. med. Andras Petö

selected activities
annually in October - World Cerebral Palsy Day
Ideas for Change> 06.10.2025
Post your ideas to improve the world of cerebral palsy!
The best ideas are rewarded and passed on to developers and inventors, so that dreams can become reality.

10th World Congress on Conductive Education
Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
„The Conductor: Attitude, Occupation, Profession”
postponed to 27 November to 2 December 2020
Congress programme (english) here
Raphaela Roß, Practice for Conductive Advancement
in Muenster-Hiltrup
since 2013 Practice for Conductive Promotion
in Münster-Hiltrup
Cooperation with FortSchritt Münster

German-Russian cooperation project "Future Navigator"
in Muenster
zusammen mit dem Benno-Haus Münster, seit 2012
Since 2012, the FortSchritt Münster has been a project partner in the German-Russian cooperation project 'futurenavigator' of the Benno-Haus Münster, which since 2011 unites the institutions for child and youth, disability and self-help in Muenster and Rjasan into a partnership network for media participation. The project is supported, among others, by Aktion Mensch, the Landschaftsverband Westfalen Lippe LWL, the Foundation West-Easter Encounters and the city of Muenster.
two EU-wide EU projects Conductive promotion in partnership
in the Phoenix GmbH in Munich
From September 2013 to August 2015 found in the Phoenix
two Comenius projects in six countries
to the educational intercourse of the Conductive Promotion instead of:
Communicate & Participate
Establishment of the Supported Communication (UK) for special needs children according to the UN Convention
Evident Based Conductive Practice
Towards Whole School Improvement
First steps of abstract evidence-based research
towards evidence-based Conductive Practice

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