since 1996
FortSchritt .. eV Münster

Association for the distribution of Conductive Education
registered charity association for distribution, recognition and establishment
of the Conductive Education of brain-injured people according
to the method of Prof. Dr. med. Andras Petö

our aims > FortSchritt since 1996 in Münster
FortSchritt since1996 in Münster - our chronic
Dear Reader, Dear Parents,
The dissemination and establishment of the Conductive Education to Petö has been our self-elected, voluntary task since 1996.
Brain-injured children and adults should also have a special counseling and contact point in Münster and the Münsterland, and be given a chance of a self-determined life as far as possible through the use of Conductive Education.
Parents, families and helpers should be able to achieve lasting relief from the exhausting everyday life with their disabled children.
Two years before our first efforts in Münster, the von Quadt family from Starnberg took the first impulse for Conductive Education to Germany.
The 1994 broadcast by them, broadcast nationwide television contribution* on the Conductive Education to Petö has touched a variety of people.
Due to their first initiative to disseminate the Petö method, numerous initiatives for conductive education have been formed in Germany to this day.
For these initiatives, the Federal Association of Conductive Education was founded in 1998 as an umbrella organization.
The Foundation Pfennigparade has established the Conductive Education after Petö in Munich.
Münster's twin town Rishon Le Zion in Israel has integrated the Conductive Education, among other things, through school. In Haifa and Jerusalem, further Petö funding centers are working.
There have been worldwide nine World Congresses for Conductive Education, inclusive in Munich in 2013. The next, the 10th World Congress on Conductive Education will be held in Budapest from 24 to 26 May 2020.
The Conductive Education is now spread worldwide.
All initiatives have a common aim: to enable physically handicapped children and adults to compensate for their disability to the greatest extent possible through Petö's Conductive Education.
In December 1998, we founded the FortSchritt Münster / Münsterland e.V. specifically for our Münster Petö Education center.
The conveying center was opened on March 1, 1999 at the Mathildenstift of the DRK-sisterhood Münster. For two years in constant change, we assisted between 20 and 25 children every day.
The progress of "our" children was above average. They regularly exceeded the physician's prognosticated limits of the maximum achievable.
"Side effects" of disability, such as the spastic hip, could be drastically reduced thanks to the qualified and regular conductive care.
My daughter's bilateral, spastic hip replacement deficits were reduced by 75% and 60% to less than 10% within one year of Conductive Education.
Predicted surgical procedures could be avoided.
In 2002, we founded the social club FortSchritt Verein zur Förderung der Konduktiven Förderung e.V. in Münster and since then we have offered advice, support and support.
The Conductive Education to Petö does not guarantee an improvement.
It offers an exceptionally good chance of achieving the maximum possible.
Especially brain-injured children and adults with their families need education, help and support. We are committed to this.
We also ask for your cooperation.
Scan and distribute the QR code of our website.
Inform your personal circle of acquaintances about the existence of the Conductive Education to Petö and about local contact persons.
These are in Münster the diploma conductor Raphaela Roß and we from the social club FortSchritt Münster.
Nationally our Federal Association FortSchritt will be pleased to help you.
Of course we also accept donations for the good cause as support, for which you receive a deductible donation receipt upon request. Please provide us with your full address.
We thank you for your attention and wish you that you never get into trouble yourself.
Yours sincerely
Horst Thomas
FortSchritt team in Münster
* Bavarian Radio, TV
Health Magazine Practice 1994
Dr. Antje Katrin-Künemann