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our aims > cost issue

Development of the cost assumption

Already in 1992, an investigation by Prof. Weber, Siegen, showed the positive effect of the Conductive Education according to Petö in the Federal Research Report No. 224. Already at that time the official recognition of the Petö method had been recommended.


Nevertheless, there were still major problems with the reimbursement by the statutory health insurance.

Many of the disabled due to a disability financially weakened people could not afford the Conductive.

The original freedom of the health insurance companies to pay the costs in individual cases if the prerequisites were met was virtually canceled by the legislature by correcting the catalog of remedies and aids.

Only the enumeratively listed remedies and aids may still be paid. Conductive Education is not one of them.


Although the high significance of the Conductive Education is now uncontroversial.

This despite the fact that the methods enumerated in the catalog of remedies and aids and thus paid methods according to Bobath and Vojta were never scientifically examined like the Petö method.

The funds were legally sentenced to pay in 2002, but were not allowed to pay because this would have violated the applicable law.


Payments were omitted.


A terrible dilemma to the detriment of those affected.


We needed another more scientifically recognized, more in-depth study of Conductive Education to meet the formal entry-level criteria of decision-makers for a positive decision.


This study was carried out from 1997 to 2002 in the Children's Hospital Munich. It was one of the largest post-war projects of the VdAK in Germany. The five-year study of the Petö method was conducted and successfully performed under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dr. von Voß and Rainer Blank .

The results of the study were published in September 2002 as a book.


Title: Blank, R. and von Voss, H .: "Conductive Education according to Petö - Evaluation of an everyday and task-oriented therapy in children with cerebral palsy in kindergarten and pre-school age".


It gives the established medicine u. a. Impetus to comprehend the patient holistically. Since then, the high significance of conductive promotion is no longer seriously in question.


The question of which the payor was responsible for the assumption of the cost of Conductive Education, and if any need to be paid remained nonetheless until the supreme decision in 2009 controversial.


The Federal Social Court decided in 2009 that the assumption of costs can be taken over within the framework of integration assistance as social rehabilitation measure.


BSG judgement of 29.09.2009, file: B 8 SO 19/08 R - download here as pdf (240 Kb).


Many social services stick to it.

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